Tom Kelly caught some big crappie for Gus. That was very nice of him.
Bob Kaufer and Doug Hoemberg are here from Duluth, Minnesota and are catching fish everyday. They sure learned how to fish this lake quickly. Nice people.
Lake level is at 551.35 and has come up 6-inches in the last 24-hours and they quit generating yesterday morning. It has come up a total of 6 feet. We are to get more rain the next two days. The lake is still in good condition thanks to the winter draw-down and is not too high at all. I did venture a little into the Bennetts Bayou area yesterday and there was more debris there than in this area. I spooned brush piles and caught some good fish but not as many as the day before. I am still catching bass, crappie and bluegill every day. The weather was beatiful and warm with light winds and the moon was bright and big. Nice to be out there. Saw several boats. More than usual. Water temperature was in the low 50's and you could see your lure down about 4-feet and the brown water was about gone.