734 County Rd 989
Mountain Home, AR 72653
If traveling from the West going East toward Mountain Home:
If you are traveling from West to East look for the Sheid/Hopper Bypass that goes around Mountain Home. The Bypass is at the edge of town just past the Ford Auto dealership, and will be on your right. Take the Bypass all the way to its end, which is about 8 miles, then get back onto 62/412. If you don't find the Bypass, no worry. Just stay on Highway 62. You'll find us, but it will add about 10 minutes to your trip time.
After you drive around, or go through Mountain Home, start looking for these landmarks. The first is the huge Wal-Mart super center. If you took the Bypass you'll see it where the Bypass ends and you get back on to Highway 62. It will be a few hundred yards off to your left and a little behind you. If you did not take the Bypass you'll see it on your right about two miles outside of the main part of town.
After you spot the Wal-Mart you don't have far to go. Just past Wal-Mart, and where the Bypass joins Highway 62 is a bowling alley. A couple of miles past the bowling alley, on your left, you'll see a 24-hour gas and Ice station. On your right Jerry's Bait, tackle and gas. About one-half mile further down Highway 62 you'll see a fire station on your left. Start slowing down at the fire station. Go down the little hill past the fire station, look on your left for Chuck's Outlet, and the Blackburn sign. Turn left onto CR (county road) 989. DO NOT turn onto any other roads. Drive down 1/2 mile and you have made it!
If traveling from the East going West toward Mountain Home:
If you are traveling on State Highway 62 no need to look for any landmarks until you cross the long bridge going across Norfork Lake. Once you cross the bridge look for the intersection of Highway 62 and Highway 101. You will NOT turn onto 101, but use it as a landmark. It is about 2 miles from the bridge.
From the intersection of Highway 62 and Highway 101 go one mile. Look for Chuck's Outlet and our sign which will be on your right. Turn onto CR (county road) 989. DO NOT turn onto any other roads. Drive 1/2 mile and you have made it! Our dock is about 1/3 mile from the resort on a nearly flat road.
If you get lost call 870- 492- 5115.
GPS Longitude -92.2846629
Latitude 363836377
For a fishing license go to https://www.agfc.com/en/. or call 800-364-4263