Caught Fishing with Bink. Several more too.
Went fishing with Bink this morning and the surface tempersture was 46.5 and rising. It got up to 82 degrees today. It is to be short lived and the high is to be in the 40's tomorrow. We continue the rollercoaster but have not had any bad weather. The lake level is 545.38 and stable with only one hour of generation this morning. The water is clearing nicely. We are very dry but may get some rain tonight. Bink and I started out slowly while spooning in 25-30 feet of water. He moved us to a deeper bank and we were setting in 55 feet of water and still fishing in 30-ft. We were just too shallow. The fish were right on the botton in 50-55 ft. and started biting. We caught some very large fish and several of them. Bink is one of the best Bass fishermen I know and for sure on this lake. We caught 8 keeper fish of all kinds of bass with the most being Kentuckys and the largest being a smallmouth. My largest was about a 3-1/2 lb. largemouth. We would have been hard to beat in any tournament but we won the big one out of Quarry Marina today. It was a fun morning.