They started generating heavily a few hours ago and the level has dropped to 546. That is as low as we need to go to be prepared for the spring rains. The lake was trying to clear and we will see what the generation does to that. It is cold today with highs in the 30's with a chance of wintery mix and then warming to the 50's by thursday. Crappie and bass fishing has been pretty good but others have been slow. Very few boats are out there and I see no striper fishermen. It always gets slow this time of year. Many fish are still in open water on the main lake on shad, including walleye and big bass. Few fish are in the creeks. Mike Eakle and Dennis Byrd caught a nice big basket full of crappie and bass yesterday and give them to one of our other guests. That was nice of them. They enjoyed them. They caught them by casting a Bink's spoon out about 10 feet over brush and allowing it to sink. They were at about 9-ft and hit it on the drop. Blackburns is open all year and has a cabin ready for you. Come on down. Many others are closed or are on vacation.