Caught yesterday on a Bink's spoon.
Lake level is 546.21 and stable with no generation. It was a nice day yesterday with winds from the southwest at about 5-10 mph. Ambient temperature was about 48 degrees and the surface temperature was 45. I tried fishing a creek with no luck and moved back to the main lake where the water is just a bit warmer. The couple of degrees make a big difference. There are definitely more fish on the main lake. Saw no shad in the creeks. Caught several crappie and a few bass spooning. Mike Eakle reports catching the same also on a spoon. I will give it another try today while others are watching some game. We usually get some pretty warm days in february. It just has been slow to warm so far but not bad. Our normal high is 48. The lake is trying to clear when it stays at a stable level. Bass and crappie fishing are best.