The lake level is 547.49 and dropping quickly with several hours of running both generators. It was sunny and cold yesterday but not too bad if you could find brush out of the wind. Fortunately Blackburns works hard putting in brush when allowed and it pays off unless someone is camping on them. I was the only boat I saw yesterday but I caught several good fish on the Bink's spoon right in the brush. You catch about 4 or 5 bass before getting a keeper but I am getting some good ones. It does not matter as they are all released anyway. The crappie are ranging from 11-12 inches with very few small ones and even fewer giant ones. I have caught 30 of them over 16 inches this season but none lately. If you catch small bluegills while spooning you can rest assured there are big fish in there with them. Be persistent and do not move around too much until you catch a few fish. They are there.