Lake level is 549.07 and dropping just a bit with a few hours of running one generator. Ths surface temperature has now hit 50 and the lake clarity is as bad as i ever have seen it in well over 20 years for this time of year. It just will not clear. It was just a bit better as we went south to float creek. John Bornhop caught some nice crappie and bass and Mike Eakle and James Soltysiac did well also. The ambient temperature was in the early 40's and there were a few other boats out there. It is to get much colder staring tomorrow and lasting for several days with highs to be in the 30's next week. We have received no snow and that can stay that way. The days are getting longer now. Blackburns brush piles are in excellent condition and there are fish on almost all of them. Shad are everywhere and big schools too and many do not have fish with them. I fish when there is not ice in the rod eyelets. It messes up the drag and causes me to miss some big fish. The wind has been low and that has made fishing conditions tolerable during the warmest part of the day until tomorrow. Many resorts are closed but Blackburns is open all year with the best prices and we do not charge for the first boat stall.