The lake level is 554.28 and dropping about 2-inches a day with two generators running about 1/2 speed most of the time. We will see what they do when it hits 553.75 which is still too high to take a big rain. It is good for fishing though. Who come up with these new seasonal pools anyway? The surface temperature is 79 degrees and the lake is still stained. I went out for about 1-1/2 hours yesterday and caught my limit of crappie and 5 bass. All went into the pond. One crappie was very large and the rest were 10-12 inches. Fish are biting well right now despite the full moon. As near as I can tell only stripers and bluegill like the full moon but the crappie were biting fast last evening. Blackburns brush piles are really paying off now. I wish more resort owners and guides would put some in. I tried the pvc artificial ones and they do not seem to work well for crappie and walleye. New cedar trees are the best. Blackburns still has cabins with covered porches, boat stall and launch all for $53/day. No need to go somewhere else to launch. Why pay more unless you just have too much money?870-492-5115