Caught yesterday on a Bink's jigging spoon. Nice smile.
Tom Kelly with a nice one caught yesterday morning on a spoon
We received two inches of rain last week and about four inches so far this week. The lake has risen 10-inches to 573.35 with no generation. They had 10-weeks to drop the level but dropped the ball instead. We need more government and they need more time off. This level does not hurt anything but really slowed the chance of getting day use areas open. Resorts are fine and so are boating and fishing. People learned two things so far: Do not tent camp and do not stay where you have no covered porches. Makes for tough grilling and smoking when there is continuous rain. The fireworks on Norfork Lake went off well with no weather problems and the Lake Chamber did a good job. The weather has been cool for this time of year and everything is very green. This looks to be an excellent year for gardens. Stripers and walleye are showing up around the islands, bass are biting after dark on salt craws and bluegill are biting off the dock. Spoons are the best bait along with grubs. Most fish are at or near 20-feet of water with stripers on the bottom at 50-feet. Blackburns had some leave today after the holiday and have a few openings. Call 870-492-5115 and Debbie will help you. It was a very busy holiday and people made the best of the rain.