The lake level dropped to 575.24 or less than an inch in 24-hours. They are generating very little everywhere except Table rock Lake to protect Branson. It is very political. The level at Newport is dropping rapidly and is near 20-feet. Why I do not know. It is getting too late to plant anything. Walleye are showing up around the islands as they always do in high water. Guests caught some good ones yesterday. It is a good place to drag nightcrawlers on a lindy rig because there is not much to get snagged on. About 2 in 3 are keepers. Also work the submerged picknik tables on the south side of Robinson Point campgtound in the grass. Big fish are there. Blackburns Creek is clearing from the bank out and is in good condition for fishing. People are swimming off the dock.Pan fish are back under the dock and are also around main lake submerged willows near the boy scout camp and west of 101 bridge. Use crickets, worms and minnows. We are very busy here with people taking advantage of our low cabin and boat rental rates, free boat stalls and easy access to the dock. It looks like day use people will be inconvenienced for a while but not here at Blackburns resort and Boat Rental.