The lake level is 577.01 and has been stable for several days with the intermittant running of generators with no effort to drop the lake. We received some rain last night and early this morning but not much. We could get more tonight. Not much has changed except the water is clearing a bit on the main lake but is slow clearing in the creeks. Fish are in and under the brush and debris and can be caught with live bait near the bank. If you are fishing artificial find where you can have access to as close to the bank as possible. Catfish and bass are still the best but some red meat fish can be caught too. A good place to start is part way back in float creek. Several fish are being caught. Lake cleanup is tomorrow so there will be better access to launch and park after that. My limb lines are still producing catfish and bass on live bluegill. There is still a top water bite early. Some people are catching smaller channelcats on jugs with chicken livers.