We went out at about 1:PM and fished until 3PM and caught 2-crappie and 5 catfisn. It had just stopped raining. We received about an inch from the day before and yesterday. The lake level is still the same at over 577 and is less than 3-feet from breeching the spillway. All area lakes are now about the same and have little holding capacity left. They are now controlling the levels by generation except for Bull Shoals which is still rising from spillway gates from Table Rock. The lake is not clearing as quickly as I would like and there is still debris on the main lake near here. The fish are near the shoreline just outside the debris and in the trees. I suspect many are under the debris. Work the banks where you can get as close to the shore as possible. The surface temperature in Blackburns Creek is 71.6 and the water is still brown. There are crappie under most docks. I was using bluegill for the catfish and minnows for the crappie. Our basket is full.