The lake level is 578.20 and has dropped 7-inches in the last 24-hours. The sun is shining with light winds and the lake is clearing. Debbie and Abby painted the pool and it will be open in a few days when it cures. We have the largest pool in the area. The lake level is perfect for limb lines and the catfish are biting. We caught one of the biggest channel cats I have ever seen. A big one is 10- pounds and this one was near 20. There are also several bluecats but no flatheads yet. It is as good as I have seen it in 22-years. Mike Eakle and Steve Deardoff are really catching them. They are biting both day and night on live bluegill set just under the surface. This is really fun and we are sharing them with our guests. Norfork lake catfish eat well.