We received 3-inches of rain total and the lake is to rise to 580. That is the top of the spillway. Dam management 101: do not let the water run over the spillway. They failed in 2008 and it looks like their memory is not too good. Government. It is to be dry for the next week now. I set out about a dozen limb lines this evening. I will tell you how the catfish are biting. Might as well make the best of things. Better than staying on the porch. I love catfishing. It is amazing how complicated it is for people to go for a few days fishing. You would think it was the biggest decision of their lives. We just count our blessings here and pray for the less fortunate. It is sad to see how many people are only concerned about money when we are all going to end up in the same place. A little sunshine will cheer people up. I am happy for each day.