The lake level is 551.37 and rising slowly with about 5-hours of heavy generation yesterday and the surface temperature was 67 when I went out about 3-PM. People reported a lot of bass coming up in east pigeon creek about 6:30 this morning just at sunrise. We have received about 1.1 inches of rain since Saturday night. I like to find my own fish and there was nobody fishing the main lake so I decided to give it a try. The smallmouth bass were on the steep south facing banks near the shore and biting well on small grubs. Several warmouth were there too and they were right on the bank. I caught my limit of keeper smallmouth and took them to Tom Kelly's trophy pond along with the warmouth. The smallmouth were in the 2-4 pound range and the warmouth were in the 7-inch range. The walleye, crappie, bluegill and bass have moved in under the main lake docks and are shallow and hard to catch. The water is pretty clear except for the pollen which is heavy on the wind blown banks. It gets warm and the wind blows from the south for a few days and then a cold front moves in and the wind changes to the north and it cools down dramatically. That is spring fishing in Arkansas. Blackburns has cabins for $53/day for two people with a free boat stall with your cabin and we do not charge for trolling motors on fishing pontoons which we have several. They are all 24-volt too.