The lake level is 547.23 and has risen 5-inches in the last 24 hours. We must have got more rain in the watershed up north than here because there was little runoff here. We are to get more rain this afternoon and night. Just hope the wind stays away. They run one generator this morning for two hours and then shut it off. They did the same thing yesterday. Tom Kelly reports catching many crappie back in a creek yesterday on brush. I only caught one big one but did get several bass. It is time for me to put in my trotline. Like getting those catfish. Keep watching for fish coming up in the morning just at sunrise. It is getting better and better. Water temperature still 60 way back in the creek and 57 on mainlake. Bass are moving in shallow. We will see what this rain does. It looks like about one more week and things should break loose. Lake is stained.