Cannot tell you how much I like catching these. You do not lift them over the side of the boat. What do you think Rodger? Released under dock.
Caught Yesterday On The Binks Spoon
It is very warm today with a cold front coming in later this week. We are to get a frost this weekend. I hope it does not burn everything. After that it is to warm back up again. I opened up more cabins yesterday. Debbie was turning away customers and we were full. People are taking advantage of our low prices, free boat stalls and good brush piles. They are generating about three hours heavily in the mornings and evenings each. The lake is staying stable at just under 547. The lake is in good shape for fishing. Crappie have moved to the main lake brush in 20-ft of water and Tom Kelly says he found some in 35 feet. There are lots of them and some very big ones too. They are not biting fast but the size makes up for it. A few smaller open water fish are moving into their normal places to simulate a spawn. It still looks like the best time for after dark fishing will be the full moon in March which is the 12th. It does not vary much from that no matter what the water temperature is which is 54. It is to be a bit windy today with the heat and should make for good drift fishing for crappie in the sunshine. I have been having my best luck about 4:pm. The shad really start to get shallow the later in the day it gets and you can get some good bass just at dark. I am not getting any walleye but some people are. I am not finding anything in a frenzy but you can get some very nice fish if you stay at it. We will see what this cold front does. I think I know.