It is cold here in Mountain Home but the big bass are biting and so are the crappie. The ambient temperature is to get to the 50's Saturday and drop fast after that. The surface temperature is 54 now and a little cooler in the creeks. I am catching fish everyday on brush in both the ceeks and main lake on spoons. Big ones too. Sometimes the crappie bite on spoons and other times on minnows and grubs. Open water fish are in front of the docks at Mallard point close to Blackburns Creek in 45 feet of water but they are mostly white bass, small hyrids and a few small stripers. More stripers are in Bennetts Bayou where I reported before. You have to use little fuel to find fish and combine that with our low cabin prices and free boat stalls you can save a bunch by stayng at Blackburns. It is about time to put in brush piles for you this year to help you catch fish. Some people do not and use ours but that is ok. They do not know where they all are but you will when you get here. We put solar lights on our no wake bouys so you can see them when you come in in the dark. Some do not do that either. Our new dock secrity system is working great and we are installing new carpet on bump strips in the boat stalls to protect your boats. We are open all year and keep all of our employees full time. They are the best and we want to keep them and not take pot luck in the spring just to save money. Our guests from Illinois filled the new fish basket with big bass yesterday. They come every December and stay in cabin #15, the 4-bedroom two bath cottage. We have many repeat customers and appreciate them and they appreciate all of the improvements that we make every year while maintaining the lowest prices of any major resort. Call 1-800-635-0526 to join the family. We will not charge you to much.