The lake water temperature is in the low 70's and has been stable for several days with the warm days and mild nights. The level is at a very nice 552.5 and the water is clearing a bit. I went diving yesterday and got two walleye and a couple of crappie but the numbers were not there. I thought I had found them again but they are gone. I got the only two I saw but they were nice ones. A few days ago there were big schools. Most of the bass were gone too. I was fishing in the evening. The bass fishermen report catching good ones on plastic worms early but they quit when the fog burns off. They are finding them off steep banks on the ledge before the drop off. White bass are on the flats in 30-35 feet of water on shad. White bass are for people that cannot catch walleye. Trout are for people that cannot catch white bass. Many bass are still in open water on shad. They move in when the water cools and back out when it warms. It does not usually warm again this time of year. This is the first time I have seen it in 22 years. I usually have my dive gear put away by now. There are not many of us out there. There are quite a few fishermen out. Especially during the weekend. Boaters are also enjoying the 80+ degree weather. It can stay like this until Spring for all I am concerned. Come on down. 1-800-635-0526 If you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer, you are paying too much. Come join the fun. 1-Bedrooms here are $53/day with free boat stalls. We help each other catch fish.