The lake is cooling slowly with the cool nights but the high is to be in the 70's for the next week with 78 scheduled for today. The fall foliage is changing but not very quickly. It may peak just after the end of the month. I will go diving tomorrow to check things out and have been pole fishing for several days with good results. There are some open water fish north of Cranfirld Island but they are not the big ones. Mostly some white bass with a few 10-lb. Stripers thrown in. They are moving south and should be in the normal places for the night bite by the full moon. There is always a night bite for stripers in the early spring when they go to the bank to simulate a spawn but not always in the fall when they just go there to feed. Just depends on the bait fish. There is always a good top water bite in the spring but not always in the fall. It is always good to keep a top water lure ready when fishing Norfork. Bass can come up anytime. The walleye are mostly gone from the main lake points and some have moved part way back in the creeks and soft plastics just at sunset on shadowy banks can catch some. I have been mostly fishing for crappie, bluegill and bass for several days with excellent results. The crappie are very nice sized. The trophy pond and some elderly friends enjoy them That makes me feel good. The weather can stay like this all year as far as I am concerned. The lake is at a good level and is in excellent condition. 1-800-635-0526. We will not charge you too much here at Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. $53/day for two people with free boat stalls. All cabins have covered porches and none are duplexes.