The lake is clearing after the rain last Friday night. It needed to especially from Cranfield to Robinson Point. The lake is very stable at 553 and should stay that way for two more weeks due to delays in the repair of flood gates. We are scheduled to get quite a bit of rain this weekend but they will let out as much as needed to keep the level the same. I have never seen things so green for the middle of August. It is usually brown, dry and hot. We have had the hot. When the cooler weather hits in August watch out for early morning fog and do not rely on GPS to get you around. You might avoid the shore but may not avoid other boats. We had another death on the lake this morning. Some are caused by fishermen falling out of the boat, some diving accidents, some jumping off the cliffs and others by boat collisions. Please be careful out there. The visibility for diving is bad so I will take up pole fishing for a while until it clears a bit. Walleye, stripers, hybrids, white bass and bass are the best right now. I will mostly use the Bink jigging spoon during the day and salt craw after dark. Tom Kelly reports catching all of the above yesterday evening on the spoon close to Blackburns Creek. I need to catch some more fish for the trophy pond. Spearfishing has a high mortality rate.