They are letting the lake level creep up a little with very little generation and it is now 552.89 and the visibility is very good down to 22-feet but there are no fish there except after dark. I am seeing some good walleye at 45-50 feet on main lake points but it is too deep for me to stay down there very long. People are still catching open water fish by the bridge piers in the evening by casting the Bink's Spoon. Both bass and stripers. There are a few places that hold crappie all year but not very many. If you fish them very much you will fish them out. I prefer to wait until fall when the open water fish move back to shallower brush. In the 20-30 feet range. Most of them are in open water now. I am still not seeing any white bass but they normally move just outside brush about now. After they move in, they will be followed by the schools of bluegill and then the walleye and crappie. Trolling deep diving crank baits and letting them touch the bottom is working well in the creeks for big largemouth bass. Kentucky bass are full of crawdads so they are moving to the bank some time or another. That is why the afterdark fishermen are catching so many of them on salt craws and big ones too. There are still a lot of shad at the mouths of the creeks but I do not know what is under them. September fishing will get better and better until sometime in October when the lake turns over and the process starts over again until about January when the Stripers get more scarce again. Remember the night bite for stripers at the full moon in November. It is an excellent time to book a trip. You can fish for walleye in the evening until dark and them switch to a stick bait for stripers on the bank at dark and spoon all day. Especiall cloudy ones. August is a hard month for divers to find good fish but I will keep trying. You will be the first to know.I may have to get my poles back out. It is easier.