Two of Six caught This Morning On The Bink's Spoon.
We received 0.6 inches of rain last night and the power was off two different times but it is sunny now. North Arkansas Power Company does a good job. I remember growing up where my father was Manager of the power company and we had a phone in his den which was for trouble calls only with a bell that rang in the yard. Employees took turns being on call and could not leave town during their time. When that phone rang we run to it. Power outages were very important to all, especially farmers whose livlihood depends on electricity. It was just a part of the job and all employees accepted it. There were no bucket trucks then and everything was done with climer spikes of which my dad could literly run up a pole. We do not appreciate things enough here in the land of plenty until we lose it. The lake is dropping slowly with one generator running continuously and is 556.2 and is in general in excellent condition and perfect for swimming boating and water sports. Terry Sims is here from Louisiana and is a good fisherman. I will get a report from him later. Always good to see the Sims family. Striper fishermen Drop that spoon, bass fishermen get out that black light and saltcraw and walleye fishermen drop the spoon and drag those night crawlers and bluegill fishermen use live crickets and live worms and everybody try to find brush in 27-32 feet of water especially on main lake points at the dropoffs except for stripers and some walleye which are going deeper and deeper with the 86 degree water. Call 1-800-635-0526 to beat the heat. This is no time for tent camping.