The lake level is 556.68 and rising about an inch a day. It has not rained in over a week and it is getting dry and they will still not let out as much water as is flowing in from the river. There are sure no crops in danger of flooding out but we all understand about government run operations. They seem to like the yoyo plan now. The lake is still clearing a bit from north to south and the surface temperature is now in the lower 80's and is just right for swimming. There is a big difference in clarity from Blackburns Creek to the dam but clear is not better when it comes to fishing. My garden is growing well but I have to irrigate it everyday. Get out at 5:Am and fish until about 8 and take the rest of the day off and fish at night with a blacklight for bass on a salt craw for best results. Some crappie are biting if you know where as are walleye.