Caught Yesterday
The main change is that the lake has risen a foot in the last 24-hours with the recent rains. It is now 555.27 and it is still at a good level but does not leave enough room for heavy rains. They need to let more out. Newport is a bit high now but has not been. Good news is there is to be sunny skies with little chance of rain for the next week.The spawn is mostly over and we need to be at 552. I do not know where they got the seasonal conservation pool of 556. They must have pulled it out of a hat. There are a lot of stripers being brought in, and big ones too. The surface temperature has risen to about 80 and is very comfortable for swimming. Visibility is still not good. I have been catching about everything on the spoon. Some bass are biting on lizzards and the crappie that are being caught are shallow in 14 feet of water on brush about 5-ft. down in Pigeon Creek. I am catching some smallmouth but most bass are Kentucky. This has not been a good spring for crappie and the few places I know where they are I am not going to burn them out. They say they grow three inches a year and I am not sure about that. As many small ones that we have they need to. This is a good year for big bluegill and catfish. Striper fishing is as good as I have seen it in a long time.