Hi Ho Hi Ho Off to the trophy pond Scuba Steve goes.
Terry Scott Looks Pretty Happy. We are glad to have he and Shelley here.
Catfish are biting very well on trotlines on bluegill. Magness also caught two stripers on them yesterday. I have never caught a striper on trot lines and have only got one spearfishing in 21 years. They are very spooky. The lake is now 553.74 and stable with one generator running. Water temperature is 74 degrees+ and the rain did not affect fishing much. Terry and Shelley Scott from Bartlett, Tennessee went fishing with Bink's and had a great time. Tom Kelly gave a seminar on how to clean stripers and it was well attended. I was surprised how many people did not know how to do this with some resulting in hack jobs. Stripers do not dress out very well anyway and if it is not done right there is not much left. Thank you Tom. Scuba Steve went out for a while and tried to find some walleye. They started biting at 5:PM and were on main lake points in 20-25 feet of water and biting on a 1/4 ounce Bink's spoon white with red eye on brush. There are a lot of small warmouth and bluegill on the brush now and that is why they are there. I kept a nice one for the trophy pond and turned the rest back. I also put several big bluegill in the pond. Fish are still coming up most mornings and evenings but do not get used to it. If you are one dimensional it can be a long day if they do not. It is very important to learn how to use a jigging spoon and grub. Bass are typically the go to fish after the open water fish get scarce on Norfork and you can beat the bank for them and it works but when it gets tough, and it will, do not count on seeing the fish come up or following the birds that migrate. When this happens I go immediately to the spoon and green stingray grub. I seldom target one specific speces unless it is their time. I go for what is biting or should be biting. If you push the issue for one kind of fish when they are tough you can be easily disappointed. Many striper fishermen do this in January and February. If you learn how to use your graph and a jigging spoon the hottest part of the summer is best for stripers. Few fishermen can catch fish all year long unless they adapt to the changes. Bink is one of them and uses only artificial baits. Learn how to fish after dark for bass with a black light if you want them when it is hot. And it will get hot.