Nice Norfork Lake Bass.
It has been cool but is warming up big time in a couple of days. The level is 553.86 and is dropping slowly with one generator running continuously. We have received a rain about everytime we needed it but it is not too wet. The lake is in excellent condition. Some bass are right on the bank and some on in open water. Fish are coming up every morning close to Blackburns Creek on the flats on the main lake and can be caught on any top water bait. This is common for mid May. Many are white bass with bass, hybrids and stripers mixed in. This will decrease as the water temperature increases. With the warm weather coming there will be a thermocline forming and the walleye will be on main lake points right at or just above it. I am catching some there now. Bink is catching some good ones. Crappie are back in Pigeon Creek before the bridge and white bass are coming up there too. You can fish for top water for about an hour in the morning but if you want to catch other fish the rest of the day you have to adapt. It is like following the birds in the winter. When they migrate some people are lost. When it gets slow I move to brush with a jigging spoon. I caught a nice flathead and channel yesterday on my trot line but you have seen enough of them and I know you do not want to see pictures of white bass everyday even though I put all of them back. I like those walleye, crappie and catfish. Blackburns has a few openings for this coming week. Call 1-800-635-0526. We will not charge you too much and nothing for most boat stalls. Give the money you save by staying here to the Disabled Veterans.