The lake level is 552.95 and rising just a bit with about 7-hours of one generator running in the evenings. We received 1/2 inch of rain last night and it all sunk in as we are still dry. It thundered but there was nothing severe. It is partly cloudy and warm here today with highs near 80. It is to turn cooler at the end of next week. We are in good shape here with the water temperature rising what would be called rapidly compared to the slow rise this spring. Top water bite early is now the best bet. Look for shad spawning in the eveining and night shallow near any structure on hard bottoms. They spawn the first time at temperatures from 65-70 and again in the fall when the temperatures cool. People mistake this for the night bite for stripers in the spring where the stripers simulate a spawn on long flats earlier. The bass on the beds near Blackburns have gone and some crappie are still on the banks and some have moved to the brush. Post spawn bass fishing can be difficult for several days with the females stressed and the males guarding the nest. Some walleye are showing up and this will get better and better. Get out there early and look for stripers coming up in their normal places. Panther Creek is a good place to start as is float creek. Call 1-800-635-0526 For reservations. If you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer, you are paying too much.