Andy Copeland, Brian Renner and Mike Carver From Archie and Freeman, Missouri Had A Good day. Good Going.
It is a wonderfull day here on Beautiful Norfork Lake. Temperatures are to get to the mid to high 70's and it is sunny. The level is stable at 552.94 and they are running one generator intermittantly. It is starting to get dry here again. The surface temperatures are in the early 60's and many fish are staging for spawn with male crappie on the banks in the creeks. The night bite for stripers is still on for some reason. Fish are coming up a little more everyday in the morning at sunrise. There are a lot of smaller crappie this year. They are usually in the Bennetts area but are near here for some reason. I did not catch the giant crappie in numbers this winter as I usually do. I am also not catching the big walleye yet but several undersized ones. The walleye that were in big numbers in the 16-17 inch range last year have grown and must be somewhere. They will be on mainlake points in 20-ft. of water soon just as the thermocline forms they will be right above it. The creeks are stained just enough to keep most of the sight fishermen from seeing the fish on beds. The level is part way up in the buckbrush and has been so for quite a while and has been relatively stable and is for a good spawn of most varieties. Some nice fish are coming in every day.