Caught Last Night Fishing With Bink's Guide Service. That is one nice catch.
The lake level has dropped to 552.99 and is under 553 for the first time in a long time. It is to be in the 70's for the next several days with lows in the 50's and the crappie and bass will move to the bank in big numbers. Some of them are there now but not too many. Mostly smallmouth and male crappie. The best bite is now is for bass in the morning on a grub and swim bait in the evening and stick bait after dark for stripers. Bink is catching a lot of big fish. Surface temperature is creeping up and varies quite a bit in the backs of the creeks by the time of day, amount of sushine and wind direction but is mostly above 60. Get out early and take the middle of the day off and stay out late and use light clear line with no hardware. That heavy line is not only visible but adds to the drag of your lure and slows action and makes your lure not run true.