It is nice to have light winds for a change and comfortable temperature. it took it a while to warm up yesterday but it finally did. Our normal high is 69 degrees. The creeks stained up a bit for some reason. Bass are staging in the creeks and some are moving to the beds with the 60 degree water temperature. The lake is still dropping slowly with one generator running continuously and is at 553.15 and there are a lot of shad far back in the creeks. Just a very few male crappie are moving to the banks and there are a few big ones on brush. I am surprised there is still some night striper fishing now. It is usually over by now. I suspect they are feeding rather than simulating a spawn. Everything is slowly coming around and the water temperature is resisting a quick rise. Keep trying a swim bait and spoon during the day. Best bite is still early AM as the sun rises and the fish do too. They go down quick. Overall fishing is fair with some good fish being caught if you work at it. Good topwater striper fishing and crappie on the bank are coming soon and so is topwater bass. The nights just have to warm up.