This young man looks plenty Happy.
Two Big Stripers Caught With Bink
The lake level is 553.88 and dropping slowly with one generator running continuously and the water color is stained and has dropped to 58 degrees again. The best bite continues to be in the early morning with fish coming up at sunrise and in the evening at sunset and after dark. If it is windy the bass continue to bite on long pea gravel banks with a small dropoff or cut on a crawdad colored crankbait. I do not get revenue from tackle companies but the color is important as the fish that are not on shad are feeding on crawdads. The walleye and larger white bass have spawned but smaller white bass will continue to spawn into the summer as do the smaller bass. The big bass have not moved to the spawning banks in big numbers but will do so soon. We usually get a big warmup by the 15th of April when the topwater bite picks up and continues to increase until Mid to late may and then diminishes gradually until summer. During the period of Late April and May you can bring the topwater fish that have not come up yet or have moved back down a bit with a mid sized clear spook. It sparkles in the sunlight and you can use a colored one if it is not sunup yet or on cloudy days. You can cast them far as the fish always seem to be just out of reach of a smaller lure. Use a medium heavy rod so you can get good action on the lure. When the fish are deeper Bink likes to cast the spoon and hop it back to the boat keeping it at the depth the fish are showing on the locator. This can be fairly consistent with the time of day and helps to find a lost school and also works well for walleye. For you bow fishermen, the carp will come to the back of Blackburns creek soon by the hundreds to spawn. This lasts about four days and then they are gone. If you are interested I can keep in touch with you by E-mail since it is nearly impossible to predict. We have several people that like this. You need a flat bottomed boat. I am catching nothing but bass on my trotline and there are still few crappie on brush with most in open water on shad with some in the back of Pigeon Creek but I have not found any spawning yet. After they do I have some very good brush piles and the big ones will move to them first. Call 1-800-635-0526 for Reservations. I know you are tired of seeing me in pictures so I try to use customers so you know we have some and we have a lot. if you are staying at a place where you are nearly the only customer you are paying too much.