The weather has been beautiful with sunny skies and temperatures in 70's. The wind has been variable from the south. Early morning it is calm, when it heats up it begins to blow and then when it starts to cool again it slows starting about 5:pm. That is a normal pattern when a persistent high pressure hangs in. Every weekend for about six weeks has been very nice. They are running one generator continually and the lake is dropping ever so slowly and is at 554.17 which is a good overall level. The lake is clearing from last weeks rain and is at a good color. The water temperature is creeping up with cool nights and warm days. It should be 60 soon but that has been the case for several days. We had a nice group in from Kansas and they were sad about the Basketball game but were welcome here. We have several good striper fishermen in now and we will see how they do. I have been catching mostly bass. I am not much for spring fishing tournaments during the spawn and both Cystic Fibrosis Buddy Bass and Bass Cat have moved to the other lake which does not hurt my feelings at all. I wonder if Cystice Fibrosis will go to Texas with Bass Cat next year. They have a good cause and most of their entries are from Missouri and Arkansas with a lot of good fishermen. They both have 200+ entries. We will not have to have our regular customers schedule around these tournaments this year here at Blackburns and not have to pull out our rental boats from the dock and have fish pulled off their beds. All of these are good. Sorry to see Tom and Marlene Stanton leave. Weather is good, trees and flowers are blooming, grass is green and the valley is beautiful. Come on down the price is right. 1-800-635-0526