Caught Fishing With Bink Last Night
Another beautiful day here in the Ozarks. We did not get the rain yesterday. The lake level is 553.54 and has been stable for several days with generation a little less than 1/2 the time. One day the creeks are stained and the next they are clear. Main lake is clear. Surface temperature does not want to rise and stays in the mid 50's. We are to have good weather with temperatures to be near 70 for two days and then rain scheduled for Wednesday. We will see. They say we have a 70% chance and they are wrong about 70% of the time. Spring is slow coming and the nights are very cold with lows in the mid 30's. When the sun goes down it cools off fast. Scuba Steve caught some nice bass yesterday on the fluke and Mike and James continued catching morning hybrids and stripers. They come up right after sunrise and stay up until about 9:30. The time they are up will increase now until mid May when it will decrease but not quit until summer. Fish are coming up in the creeks facing the wind. The wind blows the plankton, the shad follow the plankton and the fish follow the shad and the fishermen follow the fish. It is time to keep a spook handy. During the day use a swim bait in light winds and a crank bait on windy days for bass. I am going to keep trying the spoon during the day even though I have had limited success the last several days. The night bite is still on but will diminish as the water warms. Soon it will be smallmouth time on long banks with a creature bait. We are in a transition period so stay tuned. Call 1-800-635-0526 for a reservation where you can get a cabin for $53/day with a free boat stall. We have fishing pontoons too if you have more than three people and do not want to haul a boat.