Tom Stanton and Brad Henson Show Off Some of Yesterday's Catch. Marlene should have been in the Picture as she catches the biggest fish.
It is cloudy so far today and cooler after two days of warm with wind from the south. It has moved to the north now with a beautiful weekend scheduled with Saturday being the best day weatherwise. The yard is mowed and ready for the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday at 3:pm. We like Easter here at Blackburns. The surface water temperature was 52 last evening and does not want to rise. The level is 553.93 and they just started generating after a day of nothing. We received about 0.4 inches of badly needed rain last night. Bink is out with some of Blackburns guests now. We will see what they do. He usually books about 100 trips out of the resort a year and almost everyone is happy. He fishes artificial bait only and you catch the fish rather than trolling around and getting handed a rod when the fish bites. I could not be a guide as I do not like to fish under pressure but like to go by myself for peace and quiet. I do not have to go out on a schedule and usually go when the conditions are good. Despite the wind several fish were caught yesterday. You people from Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin should get on your snowmobile and come on down. Just kidding but come on down anyway. You will be welcome. We will not charge you too much.