Big Crappie Caught Fishing With Bink Yesterday Evening
The water temperature was just under 54 last evening and it is to get to 70 today again, ambient temperature, and still windy. It is really busy here at Blackburns and we like that. People are taking advantage of our low prices on both cabins and boat rentals and free boat stalls. No sense in paying more unless you just have too much money. We have a few new guests but most are repeat customers. The family just keeps growing and we keep putting more money improving the property. The lake level dropped to just under 553.75 which is what they are trying to keep it for some reason. It is a good level but having it there at the end of March is a mistake. They quit generating when this happened and it quickly rose to 553.8 and they started generating again. There is a good chance of rain tonight and we need it as things are getting very dry. The crappie and bluegill moved under the dock about two weeks ago but just a few have moved to the brush and they are not the big ones. The kids caught several yesterday. Do not come here for that yet. Bink caught a big one last night on a stick bait striper fishing and I am not sure what that means. It was not a spawning bank except for stripers. There are still a lot of bass and crappie in open water on shad but the strong southerly wind has blown the bass back into the shallow, gravelly, south facing main lake banks again. I am finding some fish back in the creeks but not a lot yet. If the surface temperature does not rise soon the fish will spawn by time rather than water temperature. Full moon tonight but cloudy. Should be good for striper fishing. Listen to Live in the Boat with Binks Guide Service on KTLO at 97.9FM at 8;45 AM on Thursdays to get another accurate report. If you are already here, stop by Blackburns on your way home and visit. You will be welcome.