The lake is still rising slowly with about a 2-inch rise in the last 24-hours with one generator running most of the time and is at 554.27 It has been cloudy for almost a week but we have not received too much rain. About three inches total. The surface temperature in Blackburns Creek sure did change quickly. It went from just under 50 to 54 this week. It must have been the rain. I saw some top water action in the back of the creek and went over there. They were Kentucky bass on shallow shad in about 4-ft. of water. I caught four and went to check my trot line for catfish. No catfish but several more bass. All Kentuckys. Big and fat too. I took my limit to Tom Kelly's pond and added some crappie minnows. I will let you know when the catfish start. There are so many bass back there now. They like those live shiners. I sure hope they continue to stock catfish in the lake. Bink caught some big Hybrids last night. I hope they continue to stock them too. The moon is getting bigger and the night fishing should get better. I am going out to check brushpiles for John now. The crappie might just move to the bank back in the creeks straight from the open water. We will see. Some sunshine would be nice. Remember you can get a 1-bedroom cabin for $53/day with free boat stall, launch right by the dock, park your trailer, get your license and be on the water in minutes. We have it all here at Blackburns and at the best price. Closest to good fishing.