Bink's Guide Service is On The Big Bass
They still have not generated anything again for another 24/hours and the level has risen to 553.47 and I am not happy about it. It is too high for the 2nd of March. It is a good level now for everything but is dangerous going into the spring rains. The water color is stained green and clearing a little every day and is a perfect color for fishing. The surface temperature just cannot seem to get up to 50 and stay there. We are to be in the 60's for the next week and it might get there. Our normal high is 56. We seem to be back in the pattern of getting a rain every week. We have been fortunate to have avoided any severe weather for a long time and have had very little winter. The bass are biting better everyday, especially just in front of a cold front when the wind starts to blow or after the high pressure has been here for a couple of days. Open water fishing is slow unless you can find some fish feeding on shad and this is not easy. There are two things that happen on the lake when walleye get ready for spawn. The ones from north of the dam move up river to the border area and the ones south go the other way to the backs of brushy and big creeks. I do not hate them enough to chase them that far but will wait for them to return. It is about time for them to return from there and move to the banks to feed. I like to fish for them in the evening on shadowy banks just before dark using soft plastics like flukes or bass assassins and then switch to stick baits at dark for stripers. The stripers will be with them and will be on the banks at or after dark simulating a spawn and this will happen in the next several days. Before the dam near the dynamite shack and communication tower and the flats on the side of Thumb point and the walleye rearing pond area by Cranfield island are good places to start. Come on down. 1-800-635-0526 will get you the best place and best boat rental at the best price.