The main things that are happening on the lake are pretty important. First they have cut the generation way down and seem to be regulating the level at 553.75 (surprise) and the lake is starting to clear. The surface temperature is still 67 degrees and will not drop too quickly with the 70+ degree weather for the next several days. I could see my lure down about 8 feet on the main lake and 5 feet in the creeks. That is a big change. There are limited top water fish most mornings and evenings but not a lot. You can go where they were the night before and spoon and hope they come up and be ready. The slower fishing is not uncommon for this time of year and will get better and better now as the water cools. You can catch some good fish but not as many as you will in a few days. You will have a few good days but not everyday unless you just want white bass. I am catching quite a few fish but not the big ones. Several guests have children here at the resort and with other neighbors and friends there was quite a halloween party. The list has grown over the years as Debbie fills up big pumpkins with a lot of loot and has pizza. It seems to go over quite well. We do a lot more than fish here at Blackburns. It is the family place. We have several cabins full but it is slowing a bit now we are in November but we have been in general full since the Middle of March. People take advantage of our low prices, free boat stalls and good low cost boat rentals. We are open all year. Call 1-800-635-0526