Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region fishing report and lake condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Image titleThe Buells from Wisconsin and Michigan are catching some nice ones and it is good to have them back. Good folks. Image title

The lake level is 554.09 and has risen 4-inches in the last 24-hours with no generation for two days. They alway quit when it rains for some reason. They just started up again at 8:AM this morning. The surface water temperature is 45-degrees and fairly stable. The White River at Newport is 13.73 feet and stable. We received 1-inch of rain yesterday and it is windy today. The wind layed about 5:PM last evening and fishing conditions were good and Scuba Steve got in a couple of hours of fishing until dark and caught a couple of Bass and Crappie. Josh Buell from Wisconsin reports they went upstream to the Missouri line and caught some Walleye and a couple of Stripers. Bass continues to be the best bite. It looks like Spring is here starting early next week but you can never tell about March in northern Arkansas. You can count on cold fronts coming through at least once a week. Fishing gets good and then slows way down. Overall the lake is in good condition and clearing a bit and is at at a good level albeit too high for this time of year with not much room for the spring rains. If you have cabin fever and tired of walking on water and drilling holes in it compare prices and come visit Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. It is nice here and the price is right. Give Debbie a call for a reservation and Scuba Steve will show you where his brush piles are located when you get here. A free stall for your boat comes with a cabin rental of two days or more. We especially welcome Veterans and Police.