Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains region Fishing Report and Lake Condition By Scuba Steve from Blackburns resort and Boat Rental.

Do Blackburns Resort and Boat Rentals's Brush Piles Have fish? Yes they do. Will Scuba Steve show you when you get here? Yes he will. Image title

The lake level was 553.63 and had risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours  as of 8PM last evening with no generation for two days. They always quit when we get to the top of the power pool of 553.75 and try to keep us one big rain away from being flooded out for some reason. They refuse to drop the lake for the winter like it is a big surprise when we get spring rains. The Corps of Engineers needs to be outsourced as does the Southwest Power Administration. They are all fat cats and Elon needs to investigate them. The White River at Newport is 21.86 and dropping. Quite a bit of water is being released. I will talk to the President about this when he calls Scuba Steve for advice. All of the snow is gone from the south facing hills but some is still on the north side. Water is still melting and going into the lake.The surface water temperature is 46 on the main lake in the sun and 45-in the shade. The water is not very clear and Scuba Steve could see his lure down less that three feet.  I saw a few lethargic shad on the south facing banks but not very many. Looked to be just damaged fish from the preditor Stripers and not from the cold water and they were blowing in the wind. It did not get cold enough or nearly long enough for a shad kill. A shad kill makes for easy fishing but is not good for the long term fish population. Scuba Steve likes it every year when we do not have one. (threadfin shad).Fishing is slow during the day but the fish are there. You can go for a few hours with no bite and then give up and miss everything. I fished two hours with one bite tonight and then caught several nice ones from sunset until dark. That does not always happen. A couple of days ago they started just before it started raining. Go out before the cold front comes in and stay out there until it rains you out. When it is sunny and warm with colds nights in the beginning with a big moon.that is time time to find out if you are a good fisherman under hard condition or not. Scuba Steve does not go fishing he goes catching. Several people just wait for him to come in at night to see what he catches. They are believers. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental continues to have the best place with the best price in the Ozarks. Scuba Steve will help you with fishing and we are the only resort that puts in their own brush piles and helps their cuatomers catch fish.Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115. We are the first resort  to fill up and you do not want to except less and pay more.