The lake level is 553,85 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 10-hours. The White River at Newport is 22.66 feet and they are letting out about as much water as they can to get us back down to the top of the power pool of 553.75. After that they slow way down or quit to keep us up high. When I came up from the dock last evening at dark it was snowing with a cold north wind and a surface water temperature of 43-degrees in Blackburns Creek. The water is clearing and Scuba Steve could see his lure down about 4-5 feet but did not go out to the main lake in the white caps It is sunny with the wind continuing from the north and is to remain cold for a couple more days with highs in the low 20's but the bright sunshine is helping. Highs are to be in the 40's by saturday and in the 60's by monday. We received a little over 3-inches of dry snow. They missed the forcast for Norfork Lake again but we are used to that. Everyone was in a panic mode and worring about running out of food. They need their three squares a day and worry about getting cut short so they hord. Some could stand to miss a few meals. The deer were hungry and we had 16 at our feeder. I spend more on animal food and bird food than people food but really enjoy watching the wildlife and we have a lot of it here at Blackburns. Scuba Steve used to be one of them but has calmed down quite a bit for some reason. Think warm and plan your spring fishing trip and family summer vacation. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental continues to have the best place with the best prices in the Ozarks. Our one bedroom cabins start at $69/day for two people and come with a free stall for your boat at our large dock in a sheltered cove. 2.3.4 Bedrooms are priced accordingly. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. We are family owned and family operated and are not sold or for sale and especially welcome Veterans and Police. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. Compare prices.