Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Does Scuba Steve know where the big ones are located? Yes he do. This one is under the dock. Image title

The lake level is 553.64 and is up just a bit with generation about 1/3rd the time. We are just below the top of the power pool and they have cut way back on generation again and are keeping us up too high again. Nobody knows why and there is no accountability. The White River at Newport is 15.55 feet and dropping and the surface water temperature is 46-degrees and also dropping and will continue to do so for the next several days with the cold ambient temperatures. The water is trying to clear with the reduced generation and Scuba Steve could see his lure down about 4-feet yesterday. Overall the lake is at a good level and a good color for fishing but fishing is just fair. Some good ones are being caught everyday but you have to work for them and know where they are located.  Scuba Steve knows and will show you when you get here. The full moon is tomorrow and I do not like fishing the full moon unless it is cloudy and the lake is rising slowly but even them it is not the best unless you are Bluegill or Striper fishing. Spooning is the best overall lure. Work continues here at Blackburns to prepare for your spring fishing trip and summer family vacation. We like making it nice for you and try hard to keep prices low so you can have an affordable vacation. We believe in continuous improvement and have a large percentage of repeat customers. Compare prices and join the Blackburns family of friends. It is nice here and we will not charge you too much. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 to answer any questions and to make a reservation. We especially welcome Veterans and Police.