Norfork Lake Arkansas nrar Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains region Fishing Report and Lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Rum Binkley with some nice ones fishing on Scuba Steve's Brush piles. Image title

The lake ievel is 554.49 and has dropped 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 1/2 the time. The White River at Newport is 22.49 feet and high but dropping. It looks like they will drop the lake again down to the top of the power pool but not much further for the winter. Why will they not do this? The surface water temperature is 48degrees and the water is clearing from the rain but not clear. Most of the brown is gone. Overall the lake is in good condition and at a good level but fishing is just fair. Bass and crappie fishing is the best with a few Stripers and Hybrids being caught but you have to work for them. The weather goes up and down like a seesaw with a cold front coming through at least once a week. You can expect that through the month of March with the fishing getting better the longer the high pressure is here and then it gets tough again with the cold front.right after the rain. Match is not my favorite month for fishing but you can catch some if you pick your times and know what you are doing. It is better than fishing through the ice which I have no intensions of doing again. Scuba Steve is catching a few good fish every day but it is not easy. The moon is getting bigger and the lake is dropping and that is not helping anything. Spoons, grub and minnow are the best baits. Trollers are wearing out their equipment and burning a lot of gas. April 15th is when the top-water bite starts and the weather is more reliable and the fishing gets good. There will be an after dark bite for stripers around the full moon in March which is the 14th when they are on their spawning banks. This always happens and they bite on slow rolled stickbaits if you know where. Scuba Steve's does. You can fish on shadowy banks for walleye with a soft plastic until almost dark  and then switch to a 5-inch suspending Rogue or Thunderstick and move to fish for Stripers until about 10PM.  It is time to make you reservation for your spring fishing trip and Family Summer vacation. Compare prices and give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. It is nice here and the price is right. A free stall for your boat comes with the cabin rental of two days or more. We especially welcome Veterans and Police. There is some reson why we have so many repeat customes. Come on down and find out. Scuba Steve will show you where his new brush piles are located.