The lake level was 553.58 and had risen 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with not much generation and snow melt going into the lake. They absolutely do not want to drop the area l;akes much below the top of the power pools and want to keep them one big rain away from being flooded out. The government people managing the area lakes are about as competent as the ones managing the California fires and need replaced. It rains in the Spring in Northern Arkansas Duh. Drop the lakes. I will talk to Donald about this on the 20th when he calls me for advice. I say cancel the Corps of Engineers and out-source them. Fat cats. The White River at Newport is 16.11 feet and dropping and could be at 21-feet if they wanted to. I was surprised to find the surface water temperature at 49-degrees on the main lake after dark Sunday night. It was a beautiful day. Surprisingly not much has changed on the lake. It is clearing a bit but that is expected after a 6-7 inch snow. It did not hurt much but I do not like it either. It is beautiful to people looking out the window with a cup of hot chocolate but do not have to go out and work for a living. I plowed snow most of yesterday since the county was unable to do so. It was not an emergency for me to go fishing. Some call charging out there to go fishing in adverse conditions bravery like a war hero but it could be called other things which compare to how the Corps of Engineers manage the lake. At least I can just go down to the dock and start up the boat and not tow it all over the county. That is a big plus. The lake overall is in good condition and at a good level. You have to work for the fish. You can go two hours without a bite and then they bite for about 2-minutes. Several people concerned about Norfork lake Cover for fishing are here at Blackburns and helping Scuba Steve cut down Cedar trees off Blackburns forest and making new brush piles. That is why Bacckburns has the best fishing. We will show you where when you get here. I wish the Corps of Engineers would issue permits and the allow the public to cut trees on the shoreline for fish cover like they used to for several years but they are too busy flooding the lake for long periods of time and killing the trees. What we need is more government. They can fix everything riding around in their new 4-wheel drive pickups. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental is open all year and have the best place with the best prices in the Ozrks. Scuba Steve will help you with fishing. Come om down. We will not charge you too much. Compare prices and call Debbie at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. You will not be disappointed. Family owned and family operated. Norfork Lake has a lot of big fish and the Arkansas Game and Fish are doing an excellent job with management. I like them. Scuba Steve likes the good ones but will not fear telling about the rest. .