Scuba Steve with a few released under the dock.
The lake level is 554.04 and has dropped 1-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running about 3/4 of the time. The White River at Newport is 17.69 feet and dropping slowly and the lake surface water temperature is 48-degrees and dropping. The lake is clearing and is at a good level and good condition for fishing. The water is cooling faster in the backs of the creeks in the shallow water and the fish are moving back out in the main lake in deeper warmer water. They always do this in January. They were loaded up under my dock. The opposite happens in the spring as the water warms. Scuba Steve continues to catch the most and biggest fish just at sunset and just after dark. Right now spoons are the best lures for about everything and Crappie, Bass and Stripers are the best bite. The Stripers are mosrly in the 4-6 pound range and should be released. I am also using a small white grub tipped with a live minnow casting past the brush piles and letting it sink into it and a slip float and live medium sized minnow about 16-20 feet down over the brush. It is cold out and I do not like it. Those wanting it to cool off are getting their way. Thursday night and Friday morning could bring some snow but nothing serious. Just keep the ice away.The ice always seems to like the Interstate 70 area but it could be south of us this time. We are cutting down Cedar Trees in Blackburn's forrest and dragging them to the launch to freshen up Scuba Steve's Brush piles for you. We have some good ones. You can talk about artificial fish attractors and pvc pipe but they are not much good. After many years of diving I can assure you that a fresh green Cedar Tree holds many more fish than anything else. Bass and Crappie like green ones the best and it does not make much difference to a Walleye. They also hang out in old brush piles. Catfish like to lay on dead logs in the summer. Now is the time to plan your spring fishing trip and family summer vacation. Compare prices and give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. Blackburns is the best place with the best price and is closest to Mountain Home, dining and shopping. Scuba Steve will help you with fishing. Your first boat stall is free here at Blackburns with the cabin rental. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. We are family owned and family operated and are not for sale or sold. We like it here and boast to have the best beds and bedding in the Ozarks for your sleeping pleasure. We can thank Kevin and Travis at Furniture Depot in Mountain Home for that. They have the largest inventory and best prices in the area.