The lake level is 555.28 and is up 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and spillway gates open equavalent to another generator. We reveived another thundershower last night with 0.7 inches of rain and the creeks are running again. The backs of the creeks are brown again but the main lake is clear. Bass fish with a crank bait where the brown water meets the clear water. The surface water temperature is 55-degrees and has been fairly stable for several days. The White River at Newport is 10.49 feet and rising with the increased discharge. Overall the lake is in excellent condition and at a good level but too high for this time of year with no room for spring rains. They refuse to take it much below the top of the power pool and that is just inviting another flood out. You cannot let the government run anything. The most important thing to them is getting those electrical wires to the dock up high enough so an airplane can fly under them or they take your dock lease away. Government weaponism at it's best. I am catching some very nice Crappie every night right before and just after dark on the spoon, jig and slip float with a live minnmow. I had to start using 8-lb. test line and a bigger hook to keep the stripers from breaking me off while Crappie fishing. It cuts way down on the Crappie bite with the heavy stuff. They start biting just at dark and I caught and released two more last evening. They run from about 5-10 lbs and are not big but I do not keep them anyway. I will take a 15-inch fat crappie over a 10-lb. Striper any day. When having your family get-togethers for the holidays and planning your spring fishing trips and family summer vacations check out Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. We have the best place and the best price on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks. Blackburns is your family and fishing headquarters and will not charge you too much. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. You will like it here. We have spent several thousands of dollars improving our beds and bedding for your sleeping comfort. All 50 beds now have new mattresses and bedding in the last couple of years and the regular customers really like them and you will too. We want to thank Kevin and Travis at Furniture Depot for working with us. They have a great selection and good prices on named brand furniture and mattresses and Blackburns is happy to call them friends and we will go no place else.