Fisherman Mike with some nice ones off Scuba Steve's Brush Piles.
The lake level is 554.78 and has dropped 3-inches in the last 24-hours with no generation all night but are running both now. They like to keep us just one big rain away from being flooded out. They hold and let it flood and then run spillway gates and waste electricity and then quit. We definetely need different management. The White River at Newport is 10,66 feet and dropping. It could be 21-feet if they wanted too. We should be at 548 to get ready for the spring rains. They are more interested in keeping dock power lines high enought to drive a Semi with an air scoop under them under the guise of safety even though there has been no dock electricutions for over 75-years. Maybe they can mandate a highway speed limit of 5 MPH so there will be no traffic accidents. Government, you gotta love em because you cannot vote them out. The Corps of Engineers needs to be outsourced and not be weaponized. If you cross them you better watch out or they will pull your dock lease. They like to threaten.from above or from their new pickup trucks. I will speak to Elon about this. The surface water temperature is 56-degrees and the water is tea colored but should start to clear with the much reduced generation. It is not a bad color but I like it more clear. Live bait trollers are catching a few smaller stripers and some White Bass but working hard for them and I am catching Crappie and Bass casting jigs tipped with live minnows around and in brsuh. They seem to hit about 15-feet down the best. I am heading out now. If you are in the Mountain Home area for the holidays stop by and check out Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. We have the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the Ozarks and are closest to Mountain Home dining and shopping. While planning your spring fishing trip or summer vacation over turkey check out and compare prices and give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. She reports never having so many spring and summer vacation reservations for many years so in order to get the cabins and boat of your choice now is the time to book. Deposits are due on January 15h to hold your seniority. It is nice here and the price is right. We are family owned and family operated and are not for sale and have not sold.