Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and Lake Condition and Fishing Report by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boar Rental.

Scuba Steve with a couple of nice ones. Image title

The lake level was 557.98 and has dropped 7-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours when Scuba Steve Came in after dark last evening. It was cold and blustery with a North wind with whitecaps and not fun fishing. You really have to hate them. The surface water temperature was 66-degrees and dropping with the cold weather and high winds.The water temperature is about normal for this time of year.  The water was still stained a tea colored but has lightened up a bit and wants to clear despite the heavy generation and wind. The White River at Newport is 12.64 feet and stable and they can let out about as miuch water as they want ot now that we are in December. The level is down about 10-feet from the heavy rain in Ozark County on November 4th. They are either feast or famine and do not generate or open everything up. Government you gotta love em.  The next time Trump calls me for advice I will recomment a reduction in the staffing at the Corps of Engineers and sick Elon on them. Too much fat and too much government telling too many small business tax payers what to do. The public servant has become the public master. In the mean time fishing is just fair despite reports that it is on fire. About 25-guides are vying for about 2 fisherman. It is a lean time for them. If you are wanting a fishing trip ask them no fish no pay. I caught a striper today and it was over 30-inches and weighrd about 4-lbs. What is up with that. Why are they so skinny. I am sure a person that has been fishing here for about 2-years can answer that. I am catching a few Crappie but most of them are throw backs when  I have caught my largest ones in December for 30-years. What is up with that? I did carch a couple of good ones today but worked hard for them. If you are in the Mountain Home area for the holidays stop by Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental and Check us out before you plan your spring fishing trip or summer family vacation.  We have the best place with the best prices in the Ozarks and a free stall for your boat comes with the cabin rental. It is nice here and the price is right. Call Debbie at 870-492-5115 for a reservation. We especially welcome Veterans and Police and will not charge you too much. We are family owned and family operated and are not for sale and have not sold. We like it here and are not cashing out.