Norfork Lake Arkansas near Mountain Home in the Ozarks Mountains Region Fishing Report and lake Condition by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental.

Scuba Steve with a nice one caught on the small grub back in a creek. Image title

The lake level is 568.51 and has risen 2-inches in the last 24-hours with no generation since 9:PM last night. The White River at Newport is 17.43 feet and dropping. They are still running Bull Shoals constantly to keep it normal level while letting Norfork continue to rise and flood out worse. It has not crested yet. The surface water temperature is 68-degrees and has been fairly stable. The water is clearing rapidly and most of the debris is gone except for back in the major creeks and around the Missouri line.It is very clear in Diamond bay and south. If the lake ever drops thje debris will stick to the bank but in the mean time it is blowing with the wind. It moves downstream if there is any generation and river current and the wind is from the north. Some of the fish are on shad in 35-40 ft. of water and can be caught on the spoon. Others are shallow in the buckbrush and around debris and hard to get to. I have no report on the Night bite for stripers. If they are going to feed at dark shallow this is the time. The full moon is the 15th. The best bait for me now is the 3/8th ounce Binks spoon white with a red eye and a 2-inch grub tipped with a live minnow on a 1/16th ounce jig head also white with a red eye cast near the shore when possible and slowly retrieved raising it and letting it drop. Expect to get snagged frequently. We are to get more rain tomorrow night but hopefully not much. If you have company coming for the holidays and have no room give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 and stay with us. We have the best place with the best price and are closest to Mountain Home, dining and shopping.We especially welcome Veterans and Police and will not charge you too much. We are family owned and family operated and are open all year and are not for sale or sold.